The short film Take Me, Anywhere directed by Nikola Polić will have its premiere on May 14th in the United States of America at the sixth “Pendance” festival, which will last from May 12th to 14th. The film was included in the official selection of the festival program.

This work was created within the Cinema Workshop, an informal association of filmmakers, and in co-production with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade.

The film runtime is ten minutes, and it tells the story of Milica (23) a girl who returns to an empty apartment after going out on the town and having a drunken argument with her ex-boyfriend. Embarrassed by his refusal to go with her, she wants to forget everything, but the restlessness still holds her.

The roles are played by Milena Božić and Aleksandar Dimitrijević. The film was directed by Nikola Polić, and written by Aleksandra Jovanović. The director of photography is Milan Petković, the animation is the work of Isidore Vulić. Editing was done by Mila Delić, sound design by Jana Baljak, and set design and costumes by Nikola Polić. Marko Milovanović is responsible for the color correction. The producer of the film is Miroslav Đurđević.

Nikola Polić founded the Cinema Workshop in 2021 with a group of collaborators in order to produce work in the field of cinematography, culture and media. The goals of the association are to encourage and support cultural and artistic creativity, and therefore to raise awareness in society about the importance of the influence of culture and creative development through film productions.
