A new international programme dedicated to encouraging the networking
between the film and audiovisual actors in the region and increasing their presence in the European
film industry – ReActing as a Star – took place in the framework of the second edition of the Krafft Actors Film Festival in Kranj (Slovenia) between 16 and 19 June. The platform was created at the initiative of the Slovenian Film Centre.

In conclusion of the first edition of this project, Nataša Bučar, the director of the Slovenian Film
Centre, stated the following: “I am delighted that we have been able to provide actors with a special
opportunity for research and networking. Slovenia mostly takes part in co-productions with the other
countries from the region. Therefore, facilitating networking and increasing the recognisability of the
regional actors seems all the more crucial. It is crucial that the importance of this project has also
been recognised by my colleagues from the other film centres, as this gives the professional event at
the festival in Kranj a particular weight and ensures a long and consistent future.”

To increase the visibility of Slovenian film and audiovisual actors and expand the opportunities for
their participation in the international film industry, the Slovenian Film Centre – in cooperation with
the Sarajevo Film Festival, the International Casting Directors Network (ICDN), and the partner film
centres from Croatia, Serbia, North Macedonia, and Montenegro – has established a professional
platform, which the following actors from the region participated in: the Slovenian actors Maruša
Majer, Saša Pavlin Stošić, and Jure Ivanušič; the Croatian actors Judita Franković Brdar, Goran
Marković, and Josip Ledina; the Bosnian and Herzegovinian actors Alban Ukaj, Alena Džebo, and
Kerim Čutuna; the Macedonian actors Zorica Nuševa, Xhevdet Jashari, Tamara Ristoska, and Sabina
Memishi; the Serbian actors Katarina Marković, Petar Benčina, and Milena Božić; and the
Montenegrin actors Emir Čatović, Kristina Obradović, and Milica Ščepanović.

Petar Benčina, a Serbian actor and event participant, told us the following about his experience:
“This was a splendid idea, resulting in extensive experience, and it is a true pleasure to be here. Like
the concrete workshops organised by renowned professionals from France, Belgium, Norway, and
Germany, ReActing also brought together a talented and well-chosen team of people from all the
countries of the region. The programme is diverse and intense, which is a great combination!”
The ReActing as a Star programme aims to bring together film actors, casting directors, and talent
agents and promote them regionally as well as internationally. It has been envisioned as a
networking event where actors can increase their competencies and expand their knowledge while
simultaneously creating new business opportunities. During the three-day event, renowned actors,
directors, casting directors, and talent agents shared their professional experience as experts and
leaders of thematic workshops.