The short film When I’m at Home, directed by Ivana Todorović has won the award for the best foreign film at the New Hollywood Directors festival in Hollywood. The film was produced was created thanks to the support of the Film Center Serbia.
The film tells the story of Maria, who after several years of living abroad returns to her family home to face sexual trauma from her childhood. What does her return look like? How does the family cope with the hidden secret? Can a victim forgive when she becomes stronger and more powerful than her childhood abuser?

The film has so far been screened at the Brooklyn Film Festival, the Original Film Festival in Belgrade, The New York Foundation for the Arts gallery in New York, and it has won the Woman Film Critics Award in New York, the Best Woman Film award at the Independent Spirits Awards in Los Angeles, as well as receiving a Honorable Mention at the South Eastern European Film Festival in Los Angeles, Best Woman Achievement Award at the Balkan New Film Festival in Stockholm, Future Award at the IFFBH Festival in Paris, Best Student Film Award at Shorts to the Point in Bucharest, and Best Editing Award at the March Festival in Belgrade.
Dramu u ovom filmu nose glumci: Milica Stefanović, Dragana Varagić, Radoje Čupić, Sara Dinić. Film je urađen kao master rad na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu, a scenario je napisala Melina Pota Koljević. Direktorka fotografije je Milica Drakulić, montažerka Tamara Kostić, dizajner zvuka Milan Mihajlović, scenografkinja Emilija Orlić, a kostimografkinja Milica Radovanović. Pomoćnik reditelja je Duško Stanivuk, a producentkinja Tijana Drakulić. Film je nastao u produkciji Fakulteta dramskih umetnosti u Beogradu i kuće Blok Film, uz podršku FCS-a.