In addition to being part of the current edition of the Doclisboa Festival in Portugal, the film Outside the Oranges Are Blooming by Nevena Desivojević will soon be screened at the 62nd DocLeipzig International Documentary and Animated Film Festival in Leipzig, where it will compete in a competition program for documentary and/or animated shorts. The film is scheduled for October 30th and 31st, and the festival itself will run from October 28th to November 3rd.

The film was made with the support of Film Center Serbia. Its runtime is 21 minutes.

The synopsis reads: Somewhere among the mountains, a man lives alone in a vanishing village. Wandering through the mist, sauntering around in his dark house, he struggles with his destiny: to belong to a world he has rejected.


Produced by: Black Rooster Studio (Srbija) Terratreme Filmes (Portugal)

Directed and written by: Nevena Desivojević

Creative Consultant: Tiago Hespanha

Producers: (SRB) Ivan Milosavljević | Nevena Desivojević

(PT) João Matos (Žoao Matoš) | Leonor Noivo (Leonor Noivo) | Luisa Homem (Luisa Omem) |

Susana Nobre (Suzana Nobre) | Pedro Pinho (Pedro Pinjo) | Tiago Hespanha (Tijago Ešpanja)

Camera: Nevena Desivojević | Cristina Haneș (Kristina Haneš)

Editing: Nevena Desivojević | Francisco Matos Morreira (Francisko Matoš Moreira) | Pedro

Peralta (Pedro Peralta)

Editing consultant: Kristina Poženel, Irene Gutiérrez (Irene Gutijereš)

Sound: Nevena Desivojević | Cristiana Forte (Kristijana Forte) | Venice Atienza (Venis Atijenza)

Sound engineer: Dane Vlaisavljević

Color correction: Dušan Grubin

Distributor: Pedro Peralta | Terratreme Filmes