Señor, a short by Belgrade-born young director Masa Klark has been selected as a finalist for this years Student Oscars  (in the International Film Schools Narrative category). This film was the young director’s master studies graduation project at the London Film School.

Señor is a UK production and was shot in Serbia during November 2018, with most of the crew comprised of well-known Serbian and regional filmmakers. The film stars Nikola Ristanovski, Tinja Damnjanović, Nada Šargin, Vesna Stanojević and Tanasije Uzunović. Masha Clark wrote the screenplay and directed, as well as edited the film with Konrad Clark. The film crew also included the director of photography Djordje Arambađić, set designer Ivana Jančić, cinematographer and sound designer Bojan Palikuća, costume designer Suna Kazić, makeup artist Jelena Djordjević. The executive producer is Zoran Jovanović and the co-producer is Oliver Šaranović.

On the set of Señor

Señor is a nineteen-minute film about hidden worlds that are quite near to us. 11-year old Dunja lives with her parents in a small town in northern Serbia. When she decides to join her dad on his daily wine delivery route, Dunja meets his ex-love, Senka, and tries to uncover th mystery of who her father really is – and the even greater mystery of the man he once was.