Feature fiction film
fairytale for adults
This is a story, actually a fairytale for adults, that expresses how life could be beautiful, if only mankind would get out of its own way and enjoy it for a change.Life for Dobrica has not been kind whatsoever. As an infant he was abandoned by his parents and thrown by the wayside. After a few happy years, spent surrounded by people who truly loved him, the “system” takes notice of him and the next twenty-eight years of his life are spent mostly in orphanages or in prison. Still, maybe because early in life he experienced truly unconditional love, or simply because it is his nature, he chooses only to see goodness in people. Actually, it’s not so much that he chooses it as that he simply doesn’t have a choice. He is who he is and navigates through life completely filled with love.And the world is hungry for love. People often ridicule Dobrica and his naivete, but in the end cannot resist it. Almost every person that comes into contact with him feels that this is a man unlike any they have ever met before—and a man truly worth knowing. As his life unfolds, he falls in love with a young prostitute, whose business-like “affection” he comes to see as genuine compassion. When the drug-addicted woman tries to use her young daughter to extract money from him, claiming that the girl is sick and that she desperately needs money for an operation, Dobrica is only too happy to give it to her. When he finds out that the woman lied to him, he is even happier, reveling in the fact that the little girl is not sick. Against their better judgement, the woman and the little girl find they are completely disarmed by his reaction. Deceit transcends into trust, suspicion turns into belief, despair into hope, and a lifetime of misery evolves into absolute happiness.Dobrica’s home is one that has a place for everyone, and it quickly becomes a home for not only family and friends, but practically everyone Dobrica has ever met. Those who experience his warmth simply can not get enough and tend to show up at his doorstep again and again—even stray cats and dogs seek refuge in this unusually warm shelter. And for people in Dobrica’s life miracles just keep happening… A drug-addict becomes his true wife who loves him and gives birth to his children, his daughter discovers a warm dwelling with peace and security, a corrupt journalist becomes a mother to her once-abandoned child, and a man dying from AIDS spends his last months surrounded by love and care by those he was actually seeking to exploit. As time passes, the potency of love and his ability to inspire people to improve themselves, seem to transform the world around him and create a better world—not the one it is, but the one it could be.
Basic information
Title in Serbian
Title in English
fairytale for adults
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Technical specs