In 2021, “New Cultural Village” began work on its first animated film, Step, directed by Novi Sad director Igor Pavlović, animator Marko Draško and the team of “Novo kulturno naselje/New Cultural Settlement” The film was supported by Film Center Serbia, the City of Novi Sad, and the latest recognition comes through the “Epic MegaGrants” by Epic Games.
Through the “Epic MegaGrants” program, Epic Games strives to support the work of talented teams and individuals using the Unreal Engine. This recognition allows the team to create the best possible version of the film.
The film deals with the existence of a young man in a world he does not know, in which he seeks refuge, belonging and community. From his small planet he steps out to a city that is warped, whose citizens have no power over their own decisions, opinions and emotions. Our hero experiences first-hand the system’s response to any form of diversity.
The premiere of the film is scheduled as part of the ninth “21114 film fest” at “Novo kulturno naselje” in Novi Sad, in early September.
In addition to Steps, the “Novo kulturno naselje” production is currently working on two more animated short films that are planned to be completed and shown in 2025 and 2026.
Also, in the final stage are several fiction and documentary productions, which will be shown to the public in September during the “Film Festival 21114”.