
German premiere of My Morning Laughter at goEast in Wiesbaden

This year’s edition of the goEAST Film Festival in Wiesbaden is underway. This is certainly one of the most prestigious and significant festivals of Eastern and Central European film in Western Europe, and part of the competition program is the Serbian feature film My Morning Laughter by screenwriter and director Marko Đorđević. Its screening at […]

Asymmetry by Maša Nešković is the winner of the Sydney World Film Festival

The debut feature film Asymmetry, directed by Maša Nešković has won the Award for Best Feature Film at this year’s digital edition of the World Film Festival in Sydney. The creation of this achievement was supported by the Film Center of Serbia (FCS). According to the organizers, the entire selection of this year’s edition will be […]

Head Gear Films establishes a $25 million fund to finance filming in Serbia

As reported by the Serbian Film Association, the London film financier Head Gear Films announced today the launch of the largest investment so far for productions that they plan to shoot in Serbia. Funding will go to projects in the executive production of Balkanic Media, a member of the SFA, founded by Jonathan English, known […]


The noted short documentary film Then Comes the Evening by Maja Novaković continues making the festival rounds. It was screened at the Full Frame documentary festival in Durham, North Carolina, where it has won the Jury Award for best short.  This is the tenth award for the film, and it allows the film to qualify for Oscar […]


Film Center Serbia wishes to inform all interested parties that, in accordance with the Regulation on the Application of Time Limits in Administrative Procedures during a State of Emergency (Official Gazette of RS, Nos. 41/2020 and 43/2020), which is in force since March 24, 2020, the competition juries will officially convene the first day after […]


Film Center Serbia would like to informall interested parties that, in accordance with the recommendations and instructions of the relevant authorities on the organization of work during the state of emergency due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic, employees of  Film Center Serbia will be working remotely from 26th of March 2020. All communication will be […]


Following the instructions and measures of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, in light of the state of emergency declared due to the COVID 19 virus, Film Center Serbia is postponing the publication and implementation of the Public Competition in the category of Project Development – Agreement of the Republic […]

Watch Serbian Films Free on the new FCS YouTube channel

Film Center Serbia has started its own YouTube channel, where visitors can watch various Serbian films, free of charge. At this moment, there are several short films and documentaries uploaded, but the plan is to upload at least one film a day to the channel. Starting tonight, the following notable and awarded films are available:  […]

Important notice regarding COVID-19

We would like to inform you that, due to the state of emergency in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Film Center of Serbia will be closed to visitors. Please submit all documentation by mail or electronically. Thank your for your understanding.

March Festival Postponed

The Festival Committee and the Belgrade Youth Center inform the audience that the 67th edition of the March Festival is being postponed due to the situation with the coronavirus and in accordance with measures to suspend public gatherings, adopted by the authorities of the Republic of Serbia, to prevent further spread of the infection. Instead […]

Little One by Danilo Bećković to be screened at three festivals on three continents

The short film Little One, directed by Danilo Bećković, has been included in the official programs of international film festivals in Asia, Europe and North America. After screening at the 3rd International Film Festival in Kathmandu, Nepal last February, the film will be screened in March at festivals in Landshut, Germany (Landshut Short Film Festival), […]

Romanian-Serbian co-production Malmkrog also awarded in Berlin

More good news from the 70th Berlin Film Festival: Romanian director Cristi Puiu has won the Golden Bear for Best Director in the newly launched competition program Meetings, for his film Malmkrog. This Romanian-Serbian film was made with the support of both the Film Center Serbia and the participation of Serbian film professionals. Malmkrog is […]