After a recent nomination in Cannes for the prestigious DocAlliance award, the film Kristina continues its festival circuit tour. At the beginning of June, it will have its Swiss premiere at the Bildrausch Film Festival in Basel in the main competition program, where it will compete for the Peter Liechti Award and the Audience Award. At the end of June, the film will have its Belgian premiere at the Brussels International Film Festival, in the Director’s Week competition program, where it will compete for the Grand Prix, jury award and audience award. It is a program for the first European films chosen by the representatives of the French association of directors. The German premiere at one of the oldest European festivals DOK Leipzig will take place in November, it has been confirmed. Film Center Serbia supported the production of this film as well.
In anticipation of the upcoming festivals, a new trailer has been released.
After its extremely successful and well-attended South American premiere at the Argentine FICIC festival in May, the film has entered distribution in art cinemas in Argentina. In June, a special screening is expected at the Kriterion cinema in Amsterdam under the auspices of the Eastern Neighbors festival, and as part of the announcement for the VOD distribution of the film “Kristina” in the Benelux territory. Cinematic distribution of the film Kristina in Serbia is expected in the fall.
In May, Kristina became part of the Streaming Europe project, supported by the MEDIA sub-programme of Creative Europe. Streaming Europe brings together four European streaming companies – UniversCine, Sooner, LMC and Pickbox that have united around the most exciting European films. The contract includes six months of exclusive screening and six months of non-exclusive screening in the territories of Benelux, GAS, France, Ex-Yu and Bulgaria. During the duration of the project, Streaming Europe will present 24 new European films, freshly screened at famous film festivals, and bearing the signature of intriguing new directorial names.
The global distributor of the film is the British company Reason8 from London, except for the Balkans, where the exclusive holder of the rights is the production company Reason, which produced the film.
So far, the film has been screened at a number of major film festivals around the world and has won numerous international awards and accolades including the Best First Film Award at the FIDMarseille Festival in France, the Best European Emerging Director Award at the Seville European Film Festival in Spain , the special mention of the young jury at the Muestra de Cinema de Lanzarote in Spain, the award for the best domestic film and the award for the best international film at the Merlinka festival, as well as the award for the best director at the March festival. The film had its Serbian premiere at the Author’s Film Festival 2023 in the Brave Balkan selection.