SAMO LJUDSKI (minority coproduction)

HOMO (manjinska koprodukcija)
Feature fiction film
drama, omnibus
"Homo" from the Latin word meaning human is a film composed of six intertwining stories. Homo Faber (working man) is a story about 30-year old VICTOR. During his regular check in with the Employment Agency, he has to accept to be a grave digger in order not to lose his health insurance. Homo Adorans (worshipping man) is a story about the widow PETRA, who is playing out the greedy priest HRISTO. Homo Ludens is a story about PAOLA and her gambling addiction. The comedian named Sokrates is Homo Ridens (Laughing man). In his stand-up act he publicly ridicules a local power player, after which his life turns into a nightmare. Homo Economicus (earning man) follows KETI, a street prostitute desperately needing money so she wouldn't be evicted from her home. Homo Amans (loving man). A boy with Down's Syndrome, punished by god to love unconditionally. While his mother is at her dead bed, Gogi founds out that he just lost his biological father, too, the one he has never met.
Production company:
Author crew
Director of photography
Art direction
Basic information
Title in Serbian
HOMO (manjinska koprodukcija)
Title in English
SAMO LJUDSKI (minority coproduction)
drama, omnibus
Supported by
Production company
Production company
Production company
Production company
Technical specs