The latest animated production of the To Blink Animation studio Just For The Record will premiere tomorrow, October 24th, at the CINEKID children’s film festival in Amsterdam. The film will compete with twenty other short films in international competition of this prestigious festival.

After Amsterdam, the film travels to the DOKLeipzig Documentary and Animated Film Festival where German audiences will have the opportunity to watch it from October 27th to November 1st.

The animated film about the little robot-dictaphone Rec, who is trying to make friends with a bird in order to help him copy his memory, was written and directed by Vojin Vasović, and the art direction is  by Nikola Stepković. The film was co-produced with the Belgrade studio Digital Assets Taylors and To Blink Studio from Canada and supported by Film Center Serbia, the city of Kragujevac, the Ontario Art Council, the Canadian Art Fund and the regional investment fund Animond.

The film tour continues with the Ajayu Animation Festival in Peru in November, and the film will be presented to the Slovenian audience at the Animateka Festival in Ljubljana in the first week of December.